Monday, November 8, 2010

Captain Beefheart Shiny Beast

I just got home from work and saw that Captain Beefheart's record "Shiny Beast" was here waiting for me amongst the other mail. I recently purchased this record on ebay and oh am I happy that I did. Much like Frank Zappa, it has taken me a while to come around to Captain Beefheart. It's very similar to Frank Zappa in that it's weird fucking music, some of which is unlistenable (is that a word?) But at the end of the day, Captain Beefheart and Zappa have some fucking bad ass tunes. Right now I am listening to Tropical HotDog Night which is probably Beefhearts best song. It also may be the best title for a song ever. Right up there with Camarillo Brillo by Zappa. I guess the point of this blog and the one before is that Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart are the most innovative musicians of all time. I mean the Beatles had their share of innovation but personally I think Captain Beefheart makes Sgt. Pepper seem like Private Pyle.

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