Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Blues Brothers Made in America

I am currently listening to the Blues Brothers album "Made In America." As I listen to this record, I think for the first time, I realize how fucking brilliant the Blues Brothers were. I always appreciated the sketches on SNL and the movie is one of my personal favorites but the fact that they also turned it into a touring band, which was composed of some of the best session players in music history, opened for the Grateful Dead and put out albums is what Brilliance is to me. It's very similar to Paul Rubens and what he was able to accomplish with Pee Wee Herman. I'll admit, the Blues Brothers swing and miss sometimes on these albums that they put out, i.e. covering the Perry Mason theme and Paul Shaffer doing Booker T. Jones' organ riffs in the cover of Green Onions (disgraceful. I don't know what irritates me more: Paul Shaffer doing Booker T or John Goodman replacing Belushi in Blues Brothers 2000) but still their version of Soul Man in my opinion smokes Sam and Dave's. Yeah I said it. It's the first version of Soul Man I ever heard and personally I think they bring it a little harder than S&D. Now if it's Hold On I'm Coming that we're talking about then it's S&D in a landslide but perhaps that is the reason the Blues Brothers didn't cover that song, who knows. Overall, I've realized that this blog entry is lacking Vinyl Bloggers usual jokes and squibs but it's because all of the comedy and brilliance here is courtesy of the Blues Brothers....But seriously, Paul Shaffer doing Booker T's part in Green Onions? Talk about Onions that made me cry.

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